Welcome to SDGs at IU Indianapolis!

The United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to achieve a sustainable future and promote equality, human rights, and justice for all by 2030. In 2022, IU Indianapolis was named #8 in the US and within the Top 10% internationally for delivering on the SDGs by the IU Indianapolis is proud to be ranked highest in SDGs #3, #5, #10, #16 and #17, ranking 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 4th, and 4th nationally respectively and within the Top 10% internationally across the board.

Impact Ranking Grapic

IU Indianapolis is fulfilling its responsibility to advancing sustainable development by supporting research, teaching, and engagement on various complex issues that play out across societal, environmental, and economic contexts. The SDGs contribute to our three urgent priorities: the success of our students, advancements in health and life sciences, and contributing to the well-being of the citizens of Indianapolis, Indiana, and beyond. Even more so, undertaking the SDGs allows IU Indianapolis to embody our duty to diversity, equity, and inclusion across communities locally and globally. IU Indianapolis sincerely values its global engagement and its unapologetic commitment to an equitable, inclusive and anti-racist campus culture. The SDGs provide a foundation for IU Indianapolis to align our local and global senses of responsibility so that we are positioned to take a stand, make a difference, and fully commit to building a sustainable and prosperous future for all people and our planet.

SDGs at IU Indianapolis

Taking steps toward creating a sustainable future as individuals makes an impact--reducing our carbon footprint, improving access to healthcare, fighting for gender equality. If we multiply that individual impact across organizations, across the country, and around the globe, we can make a dramatic and measurable difference that will improve the lives of generations to come in ways we cannot yet calculate.

Nasser H. Paydar, Chancellor Emeritus, IU Indianapolis

SDG Global Conversations

In partnership with Moi University, Kenya, IU Indianapolis has been hosting regularly monthly Global Conversations led by internationally-renowned scholars on major SDG themes, including climate change, oceanic pollution, renewable energy, poverty eradication, ecology and development, and food security. These global conversations have included our university partners in India, Germany, UK, China and Nigeria. As part of the campus agenda to raise awareness of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, we have emphasized the teaching of SDGs in the university classroom and community in these conversations. A selection of conversations from 2020/21 can be found here.